Abstract Submission Guidelines 

ASSR 2023 Annual Symposium | February 8-12, 2023

Abstract Submission Deadline: Tuesday, November 15th, 2022.

Authors will be notified on or before Friday, December 9th, 2022.

Abstract Submission Categories:

Oral presentation (mentored) (Louis A. Gillula, MD Mentor Award Papers): should represent original spine-related research performed by fellows, residents, junior faculty (less than 5 years post-fellowship), or medical students mentored by an ASSR Active Member. Registration fees for presenting first authors will be waived.  Indicate if you wish to be considered for this Award and that you meet the criteria referenced above. An ASSR Active Member must serve as Mentor for research project.  Oral presentations for all categories will occur in-person in 2023.

Oral presentation (non-mentored): should summarize the details of clearly defined and carefully conducted investigative efforts.  Abstracts may be submitted in either the Diagnostic Spine or Interventional Spine categories.

Excerpta extraordinaire: should teach a lesson, illustrate a problem in diagnosis, describe a novel procedure, or present an unusual case.

Electronic exhibit: should present original research or illustrate key learning points of a pathological process, or an image-guided interventional spine procedure. Those Electronic Exhibits selected for presentation will be on display during the ASSR 2023 Annual Symposium.  Authors will be asked to submit their presentations via email to an ASSR Audio-Visual technician prior to the ASSR 2023 Annual Symposium.

All selected abstracts will be included in the ASSR 2023 Annual Symposium Syllabus if submitted in time to meeting printing deadlines. All selected presentations MUST be presented using Microsoft™ PowerPoint for Windows.

Society Awards: The presenting first authors of the top three Louis A. Gillula, MD Mentor Award papers will each receive a certificate and monetary award.  The First-Place recipient will receive an invitation from the American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR) to present their award-winning paper at the ASNR 60th Annual Meeting & The Foundation of the ASNR Symposium 2023. The First-Place recipient will also receive an additional post-ASNR meeting monetary award to help defray travel expenses if the meeting is in-person.  Monetary awards will also be given to the best overall non-mentor Diagnostic Spine and Interventional Spine Scientific Paper and Electronic Exhibit as selected by the ASSR Awards Committee.  

Abstract Formats:

Abstracts may be a maximum of 300 words in length not including the title or author listing. A table or figure may be submitted as graphic image.

  • Only one graphic file with a maximum of four (4) images is permitted.

  • Images should be 3 x 3 inches at 300dpi in JPEG or GIF format.

  • Up to 5 references will be accepted and do not count towards the word limit.

Oral mentored and non-mentored presentations: Abstracts must be formatted in the following manner:

1.     Purpose: State the reasons for conducting the research.

2.     Methods and Materials: Outline the methods of investigation that were employed.

3.     Results: Present a synopsis of your findings.

4.     Conclusions: Summarize the most pertinent conclusions drawn from your results.

Excerpta extraordinaire - A brief description of the case and lessons learned. 

Electronic exhibits: For original research, please utilize scientific paper format (as above).  For illustrative learning, a brief description of the objectives followed by a listing of learning points with an image rich presentation is sufficient. 

Abstract Preparation Instructions:

1.     All abstracts must be submitted no later than November 8th, 2022 via the abstract submission site.

2.     Choose (up to 3) types of submission for consideration: 

  1) Oral presentation (mentored): diagnostic

2)  Oral presentation (mentored): interventional

3)  Oral presentation (non-mentored): diagnostic 

4)  Oral presentation (non-mentored): interventional

5)  Excerpta extraordinaire: diagnostic

6)  Excerpta extraordinaire: interventional

7)  Electronic exhibit: diagnostic

8)  Electronic exhibit: interventional   

3.     Do NOT include names, titles, degrees, addresses, zip codes, or grant support in the abstract space.

4.     Financial disclosures should be included in the reference section. Also, specify whether the submission has been previously published or presented. If so, specify when, and where.

5.     Instructions will be provided for oral presentation recording and upload of digital presentations when acceptance notifications are emailed. One to two images can be uploaded with your abstract if deemed necessary.